Major attractions in Murchison falls national park

Major attractions in Murchison falls national park : Murchison fall national park is located in the north- western Uganda . Murchison falls national park spreads from the shores of lake  around the Victoria  Nile  to karuma falls . While traveling to Murchison falls park , it takes  4-6 hours from Kampala to the headquarters of Murchison falls park known as paraa. Murchison falls national park has many tourist attractions that come up with a beautiful scenery while at the park. Its well known for its powerful Murchison falls, Paraa, karuma water falls, budongo forest plus the wild life of the park.

Major attractions  in Murchison falls national park

The major tourist Attractions in Murchison fall national park  are ;

The powerful waterfall

Murchison falls is known for its powerful waterfall  where by the waters squeezes its self through that cascading rocks results into a loud roar of water  that’s makes the ground to tremble around it due the high pressure hence making the waters to sprinkle on the top of the fall which results into a beautiful scenery.


Wild life in Murchison falls National park.

Murchison has a number of  different wildlife species  and it has the big four animals  for example leopard, lions  African Elephants and the cape buffalo. It also has primates which are attractive mostly located in the budongo forest plus the bird species.

The River Nile  

The river Nile is  a  major tourist attraction in the park and the longest in the world  which flows through Murchison fall national park and it’s the major source of water in the park .As it flows.  the animals gather around the water  banks to drink and bathe .

Budongo  forest.

Its located in the south- western region of the park .Budongo forest is famously known for its  African mahogany trees plus the chimpanzees that inhabiting with in the forest. The forest is full of birds and butterfly that makes the forest fascinating  .


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