Activities around Sipi falls.

Activities around Sipi falls : Sipi falls is located in Kapchorwa Mbale district, north east of Mbale and Sironko. Sipi falls is a combination of three separate falls which are formed at different altitudes. The name Sipi originated from the word ‘sep’ which means a wild banana an indigenous plant that grow along the river banks of Sipi River. This plant is known for curing fever and measles buy the local community.


Hiking the 3 falls is one of the major activities around Sipi falls. The three falls are found on mountain Elgon however you cannot see all of them at the same time but can be seen in one day. It takes 3-4 hours to visit the three falls but it also depends on someone’s fitness and space. As you hike you will need walking sticks to give you support since you go through some steep spots and in case it rains the paths get slippery and muddy.

There are different starting points for hiking depending on your starting point. It’s advisable if you have little time to start with the main waterfall and then proceed to other falls.

The Sipi Falls is perfect for day adventures in Uganda. Between the Sipi falls area local communities and Arabica coffee plantations. Arabica coffee is the main cash crop grown in this area. In case you have time you start with the two falls, go back for lunch and then then return for the main waterfall.

Abseiling & Rock climbing

Sipi falls is a place to go for abseiling in Uganda. Abseiling is done at the main waterfall and its most enjoyed by adventurous travelers. There is always skilled guides to take you through the adventurous exercise.

Coffee plantation visit

The world’s finest Arabic coffee is grown in this area. The coffee plantations are on a lower slopes of MT Elgon. You will have chance to add your experience by visiting these coffee plantation while at Sipi. This is the main cash crop grown for Bagishu and sabiny in this region. During this visit you will talk to the farmers, participate in picking the coffee beans if it is harvest time, roast them, pound them using local mortars and finally make yourself a cup of coffee. All proceeds from this tour go to the local communities, and you will also be able to see how people live in these communities.

Activities around Sipi falls

Cultural encounters

Kapchorwa is packed with a lot of excitement to see like the Sabiny who usually stay around Sipi. This place is well known for female and male circumcision however that of female has come down over the years since it was found to be unhealthy and risky to women. You will enjoy the local dances, see the un usual dressing code and all these will be witnessed when you visit the Sipi falls.

Climbing Mount Elgon

Sipi falls is he starting point for tourists interested in climbing mountain Elgon. Mountain Elgon is a volcanic mountain with wagagai as its peak and it’s the fourth highest peak in Africa. The mountain is shared by Uganda and Kenya although the largest part is in Uganda. Climbing mountain Elgon takes 4-5 days depending on the fitness of the clients and experience of the hikers. 

Bird watching

You can arrange birding tour since Sipi is gifted with numerous birds, mountain Elgin National Park has around 274 bird species and you will have chances of seeing them while in this area. Uganda is one of the best birding destination in the world.

Mountain Biking

You can decide to travel with your bike if you are to take part in this activity; it is so adventurous and delightful to ride your bike on the Rocky Mountains. This is also something to remember always in Uganda.

As you plan your next Africa adventure safari, add Sipi falls to your bucket list. Embark on these Activities around Sipi falls for a memorable adventure.

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